Tag Archives: Warploque Miniatures

It’s Tuesday Night and I’m feelin’ Funky!

Hey guys!

I’m sorry I haven’t updated this blog in a while… no, really I am, promise! I’m sure you all know how it is, various things getting in the way, distracting you, yabber yabber yabber, there’s no excuse, there really isn’t!

Well, it’s all kicking off at Art College, oh yes it is indeed! Everyone’s getting anxious and stressed about getting their portfolios ready for their  interviews with various universities around the country, there’s A2 sheets of cartridge paper flying everywhere, the guillotines are going like the clappers, and little old me sat in the middle of it all! Although, to be honest, I am frankly relieved that I don’t have to go through the whole shenanigans, I must say that I feel as if I’m missing out on all the fun! I kind of lay back and watch the antics of my fellow students with the relaxed interest of a small child at on a bench next to the duck pond – although the ducks seem to be having fun, those legs are paddling furiously under the surface and, seeing as I am not a fan of cold water at the best of times, I would much rather stay on my nice bench and eat my cheese sandwiches in peace, thankyou very much!

Another thing that I found out today, much to my chagrin, is that out of the three pieces I submitted to the Ferrens Gallery Open Exhibition in Hull, not ONE was accepted! I suppose it is to be expected, and I’m sure it is a blessing in disguise in some way or another ( I am a staunch believer of the “every cloud has a silver lining” philosophy) so I’m trying not to get too down in the dumps!

For those who are interested, here are the three pieces I submitted –

I, The Whale (you’ve seen this before, but I may as well put it up for continuity) –



(Here’s a picture with me next to it for scale purposes) –


My Self Portrait, titled “Eighteensomething” –


And My final work, a piece I did for my A-Levels, a sculpture titled “Artifact” –





If it wasn’t obvious from the photos, this is a pyramid sculpture, constructed on top of clear acrylic. I originally made it so that, if you put a light underneath the model, the eyes on the various face would eerily glow… it looks awesome when I do it, but it was far too fiddly for the exhibition, so I decided to leave that bit out!

Anyway, enough of my moaning, onto my current project!

Ok, ok… I must admit, work-wise this has been a pretty shocking affair. In the whole 3 weeks, I have only managed to do 3 paintings (one of which should not ever see the light of day) and a few measly sketches. No artist reasearch. No annotations. No sketchbook work. Zlitch. Nada.Nowt.

The thing is, dear reader, all of the ideas I have had for this, which have been many, were in the form of words… I could talk about it til I went blue in the face, but for some reason I wasn’t particularly inspired to pick up the ol’ pencil or paintbrush, not ’til I started the final piece, but now that it is finished, that zest for the topic has dissipated! Not gonna be good for my grades one measly bit, but you can’t win them all can you?

Anyway, before I go on to describe my ideas, here is a life-drawing of Louise I did that I was pretty proud of at the time –

Not really much to say about this, other than the fact i built up on the undercoating technique I stumbled upon a few weeks back, it seems to work well for life drawings!

Anyway, I suppose I better explain my idea… I’ll try and keep it short, promise!

The brief we were given, well, the one that I chose to look into, was based around the concept of “Books”. My idea was, not to look at the physical embodiment of a book, but to create a piece of work exploring the enlightenment, inspiration and escapism that books of all types can grant upon the reader.Though at first I had no idea how I was to achieve this visually.

Inspiration struck when I came across this painting in a CATS lecture, “Wanderer above the Sea of Fog” by the early 19th Century German painter Caspar Friedrich –

This brought to mind the mountains of the Himalayas, and then to the religion of Buddhism, one based upon the concepts of enlightenment, so I thought I would try to work all of these into my project.

The first initial piece I came up with was this one –

Although I think I got the feel of the painting just about right, the colours, painting techniques and composition had to be worked upon.

Then I barreled headfirst into my final piece (which I tend to do), and I came up with something I was happy with –

Yet again this is a rather large painting, and I loved the excuse to get the rags out again, using lots of turps and “rubbing back” the paint to creature the swirling mist effects seen in the sky, and around the mountains. It it is difficult to see, on the bottom left of the painting there is a monochromatic livingroom scene with a sofa and a coffee table, done with thick, opaque paint. These then melt away into the fantastical scene occupying the painting, the lone, dressing gown bedecked figure looking on with awe at the wonders and escapism that books can offer him. This piece is maybe bordering dangerously on the illustrative, but I don’t care, I’m an illustrator at heart, and I know it! Those shapes that you can see just coming through  are strips of paper that had been slapped on the board I used beforehand, as I thought it would add an interesting texture to the work, and maybe simulate the pages of torn books? I dunno, but I liked how it turned out!

And, for anyone who is interested, here is my little corner of paradise, the place where the magic happens, Huntley’s Hole in the Foundation Room at Hull College!

I would write more, dear readers, but I’m sorry to say I’m tired and grumpy and need sleep, so I shall leave it at that and maybe elaborate more if need be in my next post!

Outside of college, I have just released a Pre-Ordering project site for a new set of models for my wargame miniatures shop Warploque Miniatures –

Follow this link to read more about it! – http://www.warploqueminiatures.co.uk/blogs/20120206/deys-comin-deys-comin-teh-gitcha

Until later guys, sleep well, because I sure plan to!

– Alex

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Well, might as well get on with it!

Howdy ‘dere!

Ok ok… it’s been almost what, five days since I first made this blog, and nothing has been posted, other than the drivel at the start… I promise I have an excuse, promise!

My girlfriend has, after a month being at home, gone back to uni today, so the last few days has been comprised of spending as much time as possible together… Gawwwwwh, its enough to make you sick, innit?

Anyway, there is no excuse whatsoever for my tardiness, none at all, so I might as well get on with it!


Ok ok, a little writers block, to be expected, yes, to be expected…


Ok ok I’m being silly now, slap out of it, man!

For my latest piece in my Fine Art experience, I have been looking at the work of Late 19th to Early 20th Century portrait artists, to try and “get” the feel and composition of this most popular subject, the subject of oneself.

Now, not trying to sound like a pretentious snob, I really haven’t taken much “inspiration” from the works that I looked at, well, I have in one sense, but their style and technique hasnt persuaded me to try new ways of slapping down the ol’ paint. The thing is, dear reader, I find it VERY difficult to change my “style” of working, especially when i consciously try to! It’s as if I have a very stubborn, paint smeared donkey for an artistic mindset, whenever I try to introduce it to something new it just hee-hawhs a bit and digs it’s metaphorical hooves in, very frustrating indeed! In a sense, this is why I have chosen to do this art course – it will give me the opportunity to change my mindset on art, to slowly calm the art-donkey with kind word and the odd carrot, and to slowly lead it to new pastures.

One of the painting which inspired me the most out of the lots was this one, a painting by Gerald Brockhurst, titled “By the Hills” (1939) which I encountered at the Ferrens Gallery in Hull –

First of all, this photograph does not in any way do the original any justice (do they ever?), for this is a STUNNING painting. There really is a reason why it has been voted one of Yorkshire’s favourites! The technical skill and choice of pallet is astounding, and it is a hope of mine that, one day, my meagre skills will be anywhere NEAR that of Brockhurst. Ok, enough arsekissing for now! Even though this isnt a self portrait at all (Heaven forbid, who would have thought of naming a girl Gerald?), I just loved the pose, background and pallet of this piece. The girl who has been depicted is dressed in the clothes of the time of painting, very 1930’s Hollywood, and looks assured and confident, as well as having the slightly haunted look which is characteristic of most of Brockhurt’s portraits of women. Other than the figure itself, another thing that caught my eye was the background, partly because I think it was meant not to. Even though the piece is titled “By The Hills”, the emphasis is entirely on the figure, the hills being added almost as an afterthought, in washed out colours that look like a quick watercolour sketch compared the the striking and exquisitely worked figure, and I think it works extremely well! SO well infact, I decided to emulate this particular aspect in my own portrait, so stay tuned for pictures!

Another painting which caught my eye, yet again in the Ferrens Gallery, was a painting by Walter Greaves, titled Whistler on the Thames (1874)

Yet againthere is a scene in the background… a much more visually intrusive scene, but a scene all the less! This is a theme I found quite common in the portraits of the time, so, as I stated earlier, I would include one in mine.

Because I was looking at the painting style of the time, I wanted to, if not emulate it in style ( the Art Donkey wouldn’t budge), I would emulate it in composition and content, so I decided to paint myself dressed in the clothing that a budding young British artist might wear around that era, that is, not the bobble hat and hoodie one might find the Lesser Spotted Art Student (Homo drawanddrinkalldayiccus) bedecked in today. Theres no point really describing it now, as I will probably in the not so distant future be uploading pics and sketches anyway!

So thats about all of the artistic inspiration I can squeeze out of myself tonight, of course there have been other artists I have looked at, but I will look at them in other posts… One needs to fill out one’s blog you know!

Other than art of the more traditional kind at school, I have been getting on with my own, personal projects, as in, working on models for my Wargaming Miniatures webstore! (shameless plug coming right up)

I have been involved in Warploque Miniatures for just over a year now, and ever since it began in the winter of 2010 I have been steadily building up a range of Fantasy Orientated miniatures for the wargaming market, either to use in the games or just to paint and collect! It’s a nerdy passion, ok! Well haveto have one… *ahem*

Anyway, the realease of my lastest figure, that of a Giant (Fee Fi Fo Fum and all that Jazz) has been greeted with great praise, and, seeing as I DID as if I was allowed to put out-of-college works on here, I thought I may as well post pictures!

Here is a link to my website anyway, not that you’ll use it, but I suppose it’s like handing out a virtual business card, so what the hell! 😛


Anyway, I’m tired now, and a chicken and mushroom is waiting for me, so play safe kids, and don’t talk to strangers!


– Alex

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